Steps for Ap3x upcoming in the next couple weeks to streamline with our Funding, Marketing and Partnership processes—>.
04 Aug 2023, 15:06
Steps for Ap3x upcoming in the next couple weeks to streamline with our Funding, Marketing and Partnership processes—>
Step 1: Price Consistency
Step 2: Cleanup all CEX’s for native OMNIA. Ongoing and will start cleaning up on a consistent basis.
Step 3: Launch Ap3x MVP —> Swap back and forth and with any crowdsourced tokens you want plus supported by our CEX.
Step 4: Give control back to the people —> All your funds will be in a renounced contract. CEX will not hold any of your funds.
Step 5: You can withdraw funds whenever you want, no limits.
Step 6: Take care of the hood —> No fees for Gold Standard. No fees for Platinum Access.