Mint BL0C's for FREE on BTC. 100 Mil in total.

21 May 2023, 16:02
Mint BL0C’s for FREE on BTC. 100 Mil in total. ( This makes the circulation to 100 Mil on BTC + 100 Mil on CORE + 530 Mil on Apex (70 Mil Burnt) + 100 Mil on BSC = 830 Mil) We would be supporting P2E to pay BTC as long as you have 1000 BL0C’s in your wallet. Trying to acquire new gamers on BTC. With a minimum listing price on BTC as 0.0005 BTC, this prices the blocks at 0.01343 USD. There by the overall airdrop value of BL0C’s becomes 1.07 MIL USD. Our biggest free rewards till date. Knock yourselves out. @WoodenBullOnParade , PR to go out next friday please, so that the community here has enough time to mint before we invite folks from outside. Step 1: Get UniSat Wallet on Chrome as a plugin or the App. Step 2: Import or Create a new BTC Wallet. Whether importing or creating, choose Native Segwit as the account type. Step 3: Deposit the BTC in the wallet and go to the Mint URL. ( Step 4: Go to the mint URL and mint BL0C (Upto 1000 BL0C’s allowed at once) Step 5: Pay Gas fees in BTC and wait for the BL0C’s to show up in your wallet. Should show up in the BRC20 section when minted. Step 6: At any point, if you would like to sell your free BL0C’s, just click on list in the wallet screen and choose a price. Happy Minting! A detailed video will follow.